Tuesday, June 21, 2005


I stare as the birds come and go,
I wish I could just spread my wings and fly.
Just lift off the ground, leave the choices,
decisions and all the worries behind.
Just lay back on the clouds and drift,
never to return to the earth,
just float and be entirely happy for once.
But that'll never happen,
I'll never fly,
or drift,
or float.
I won't point a finger,
or say a name,
but you know who you are.
The person sitting on my wings.

~ Breezy (comment please)


Anonymous said...


shoneyrox said...

It's very dark breez, I love it.


Gimp said...

I guess i like narraritive poetry better, just the way i am

Anonymous said...

its beautiful.... i am very stessed out normally and am looking for a way to relieve it all. havent found the yet but ill keep on looking. i just wanna fly away like in the poem after finishing it.