Saturday, October 08, 2005

I stand alone in the rain
Waiting, Wishing, Crying
Wanting to relieve this pain
Will my heart ever stop aching
You took my heart without knowing
Its your choice what to do with it
While I stand here dieing
It took me so long to admit
I would die for you
That I would give anything
If only you to prove im true
I have stopped breathing
Just waiting for you to decide
What you will do with my heart
Will you throw it aside
And rip it apart
Or will you hold it dearly
And bring me out of the rain
Will you let me see clearly
And relieve this pain?


Jack said...

I love this poem breezy, very nice selection of words, I just love it.

Jack said...

You know what I love about poems, you can read them at different times and they can sound different or more passionate. I just read this poem again and it really spoke to me, like how suddenly you meet someone and they just steal your heart, and I just love how you worded that.

Jack said...

I know I have commented three times, but more poems please

Anonymous said...

holy shit that guy writes alot of comments