Saturday, September 24, 2005

How am I to prove to you
That this isn't just a temporary infatuation
That my feelings are true
It took me awhile to make this realization

That'd I do anything for you
Theres no line I would not cross
To prove that im not untrue
Because im at a loss

Why would you believe
That what I say is only temporary
That I can never achieve
This feeling of pure happy

Im willing to wait forever
And do anything and whatever
Until I have you in my arms
And can protect you from harm


Jack said...

Ok, that had nothing to do with this post
but this is a really good poem breezy, keep it up!

Anonymous said...

oo so who's the lucky guy you (were) infatuated with.

Breezer said...

Anonymous who are you? and you really didn't understand the poem if you're asking that

Jack said...

Breezy your icon is hot, where is it from?

Breezer said...

The internet.........nice pun.......

Breezer said...

Anonymous why would he be lucky? Im not all that great

Jack said...

Breezy, you are an understandbale person who is fun to be around with but can also be seriouse, that is great.