Monday, September 12, 2005


It is impossible for me to rest,
I hate to have to worry this much,
I can hardly be expected to act my best.
I don't know what will become of you,
What am I to do but sit and wait,
Will you be yourself or be something new?
How am I functioning with all this weight
All these worrys assualt me,
Some my mind makes up as bait.
I never like to feel gloomy,
Its against my original nature
I love to be hyper and active
But I don't know what lies in the future,
I've never felt so much like a captive.
Im trapped by my own worry
Im losing my own stature


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know this is about your sister, and I'm really sorry for what happened. I really hope she can pull through this okay, and I hope she'll be her old self when she returns. She will be in my prayers.